
General Guidelines

Important information and rules for living in the community


  • Pick-Up: Place your trash can behind your car or along the grass median in front of your parking space. Replace your can to your back patio within 24 hours after pick-up. Do not use anyone else’s trash can.
  • Bulk Trash: Schedule a bulk pick-up through the office.
  • Oakgrove Dumpster: For management/construction use only. Residents are not allowed to use this dumpster.


  • Park only in your assigned spaces. Do not use guest spots regularly. No additional spaces will be rented. Parking violations can result in ticketing or towing at the vehicle owner’s expense.
  • Visitors should park in designated guest spaces and walk to your unit.

Litter & Pets

  • Do not litter on the property. Use ashtrays or portable waste containers for cigarette butts and other waste.
  • Pets must be on a leash and attended by an adult. Always pick up pet waste. Pets cannot be tied up outside or left unattended.

Garbage Disposals

  • Use cool water when running the disposal.

Items not to put in the garbage disposal include grease, oil, potato peels, glass, plastic, metal, paper, big bones, seeds, pits, egg shells, and expandable foods like pasta and rice. Improper use may result in replacement charges.

House Rules

A detailed list of rules and policies to ensure a safe and pleasant living environment for all residents.

  1. Air Conditioner/Furnace Filters: The filters should be cleaned or changed once a month. Dirty filters cause maintenance problems and higher electricity bills. If maintenance issues arise due to a dirty filter, you will be charged for HVAC repair.
  2. Actions of Guests: Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests, friends, family members, other occupants, and anyone who visits and enters their residence.
  3. Additional Appliances: No window air conditioners. Washing machines and clothes dryers must be installed in designated areas only. You are responsible for any damage caused during installation and any water leakage incurred by the washer.
  4. Alterations: Residents shall not paint, wallpaper, or alter the premises without prior consent of management. No use of screws, fastening devices, large nails, adhesive materials, or placing signs/displays without written consent.
  5. Candles & Combustible Substances: Use of candles or kerosene lamps without permission is prohibited. Residents are prohibited from using or keeping gasoline, explosives, or flammable/combustible materials in their homes, garages, or storage spaces.
  6. Common Grounds: Patios and porches must be clear of debris, garbage, and personal items. All outdoor furniture must be weather-resistant.
  7. Decorations: Installations should not damage walls, floors, or carpets. No decorations on ceilings, doors, windows, their frames, or cabinetry.
  8. Electrical Overload: Residents will be charged for issues caused by overloading electrical circuits or blowing fuses.
  9. Extended Absence: Notify management of any absences longer than 7 days. Management reserves the right to conduct reasonable or emergency inspections during extended absences.
  10. Garbage Disposal: Do not use the kitchen sink or toilet for garbage or waste. Dispose of garbage and recyclables in designated containers.
  11. Hazardous Disposal: Dispose of hazardous substances as required by health and safety regulations.
  12. House Guests: Guests staying more than 10 days in a 90-day period must undergo a criminal background check. Management may add guests to the lease agreement.
  13. Illegal Drugs: No illegal drugs are permitted on the premises.
  14. Language and Loitering: No profane language, loitering, or loud music from car audio systems outside the rental. No activities that block passage or damage property are allowed.
  15. Liquid Filled Furnishings: No liquid-filled furniture or receptacles over 4 gallons without prior written consent. Residents must carry appropriate insurance.
  16. Locks: Do not change or install additional locks. Notify management immediately if any locks become unserviceable.
  17. Noise/Conduct: No loud or unreasonable noise. Do not disturb other residents’ peaceful enjoyment. Violations may result in eviction.
  18. Off Limits: Do not go on the roof or enter areas designated as closed.
  19. Outdoor Toys: Do not leave bicycles, play equipment, toys, or skateboards outside when not in immediate use.
  20. Parking: No unauthorized vehicles, disabled, unregistered, or recreational vehicles. Vehicles must be parked in designated areas only.
  21. Pest Control: The home was treated for pests before move-in. Residents must keep the premises clean and free of pests.
  22. Pets/Strays: All animals on the property will be considered strays and removed at the resident’s expense.
  23. Picture Hangings: Do not hang items on walls with wallpaper, tile, brick, or backsplash. Use only small nails with metal brackets.
  24. Plumbing: Keep kitchen and bathroom drains free of clogging substances. Residents are responsible for drain stoppages.
  25. Police Requested: Multiple police visits for resident-related problems can lead to lease termination.
  26. Repair Notification: Notify management of necessary repairs or emergency situations promptly.
  27. Satellite Dish/Cable TV: Do not install antennas, satellite dishes, or cable TV without written permission.
  28. Signs: No signs or visual displays on doors or exterior walls.
  29. Snow/Ice: Keep walkways clear of snow and ice. Management will charge for removal services if necessary.
  30. Smoke Detectors: Check smoke detectors twice a year and replace batteries as needed.
  31. Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in the residence.
  32. Temperature: Maintain a minimum temperature of 65 degrees during the heating season to prevent pipe damage.
  33. Trash Removal: Keep the home free of trash accumulations and dispose of large items appropriately.
  34. Unauthorized Cooking: No barbecues, grills, or outdoor cooking equipment indoors. Use outdoor cooking equipment with permission.
  35. Vehicle Maintenance: Clean up oil leaks immediately. No vehicle repairs that cannot be completed in a single day.
  36. Water Leaks: Report all water leaks immediately to prevent damage.
  37. Window Coverings: Use only approved window coverings. No sheets, clothing, or foil.
  38. Windows Closed: Close windows during inclement weather to prevent damage.
  39. Windows: Residents are responsible for replacing broken windows.
  40. Yard/Grounds: Properly maintain the lawn and grounds. Management may hire maintenance at the resident’s expense if necessary.
  41. Fire Emergency Procedures:
    • Call 911 if you hear a smoke alarm or see smoke/fire.
    • Alert family members to exit.
    • Stay low to the ground in smoke-filled areas.
    • Close doors behind you but do not lock them.
    • Do not re-enter a burning building for pets or possessions.

Security Deposit

Terms and conditions for the security deposit, including conditions for its return.

The security deposit is held by Atlan Home, Inc. for the property listed in the lease agreement. The security deposit will be returned within 30 days after the resident has vacated the premises, provided the following conditions are met:

  1. Full Term: The resident must stay the full length of the rental term, and the lease term must have expired.
  2. Proper Notice: The resident must give proper notice to terminate the agreement.
  3. Key Return: All keys must be returned to management.
  4. Payments: All monies due to the owner/management by the resident must be paid.
  5. Cleanliness: The residence must be clean and free of all items, trash, and debris. Carpets must be professionally cleaned by an approved company, or a minimum $300 charge will apply.
  6. No Damages: No damages should have been made to the property, and the property must be left in its original condition, except for normal wear and tear. Dirt, holes, tears, burns, and stains on the carpet, walls, or any part of the premises are not considered normal wear and tear.
  7. Final Bills: Management must receive copies of paid final bills for all utilities the resident was responsible for.

Conditions for Security Deposit

  • Non-Applicability: The security deposit may not be used for rent payment or other charges during the lease term. It cannot cover all or part of the last month’s rent.
  • Lease Term Completion: The security deposit will not be returned in full if the resident leaves before the lease term is completed.
  • Management’s Right: Management may apply the security deposit to satisfy part or all of the resident’s obligations. This does not prevent management from claiming damages exceeding the deposit, which may be reported to major credit bureaus.
  • Itemized List: The owner/management will provide a written itemized list of all charges against the security deposit. After deducting the amount used for charges, the remaining balance will be refunded to the resident.

Forwarding Address

To return the security deposit, the resident must provide management with a forwarding address where they can be reached and receive mail.

Renter’s Insurance

This section outlines the requirements for renter’s insurance as part of your lease agreement.

Insurance Requirements

  • Coverage: Tenant is required to obtain and maintain renter’s insurance covering their personal property and liability insurance for the duration of the lease.
  • Minimum Coverage:
    • Personal Property: Not less than $20,000
    • Liability Insurance: At least $300,000 or $500,000
  • Additional Interests: The policy must name Atlan Home, Inc. as an “Additional Interest” to ensure notification if the tenant’s coverage is cancelled. Please note that while the carrier is supposed to notify of cancellation, this sometimes doesn’t happen or may take up to 60 days to notify you.

Proof of Insurance

  • Certificate of Insurance: Tenant must provide a current certificate of insurance for the Minimum Required Insurance to the Manager or Landlord before occupying the premises and at each lease renewal period.
  • Failure to Maintain Insurance: If the Tenant fails to maintain the Minimum Required Insurance with the agreed Additional Interests, they will be in default of the Lease. The Landlord has the right, but not the obligation, to purchase the Minimum Required Insurance on behalf of the Tenant and seek reimbursement for all associated costs and expenses. These costs will be deemed Additional Rent and will be due with the next rent payment.

Lock Acknowledgement

Information on the responsibilities and policies regarding door and window locks.

As a resident of Atlan Home, Inc., it is important to understand the responsibilities and policies regarding the locks and latches in your unit. Please review the following guidelines and acknowledge your understanding.

A. Locks Are Safe, Working, and Acceptable

By signing this document, you certify and acknowledge that you have inspected your unit and determined that the door and window locks and latches are safe, working, and acceptable to your satisfaction.

B. Resident Must Notify Management Company in Writing About Lock Problems or Complaints

You agree to inspect and test all door and window locks and latches in your unit during your lease term. You must immediately notify Atlan Home, Inc. in writing if any lock or latch fails to operate properly, if there is any change in the condition of any lock or latch, or if you need additional locks or latches.

C. No Guarantee of Safety

Atlan Home, Inc. does not guarantee or assure your personal security. You are responsible for your personal safety and security.

D. No Lock Out Service

  • After Hours: If you lock yourself out of your unit or lose your keys outside of office hours, Atlan Home, Inc. will not come to unlock your unit. You must call a locksmith and will be responsible for any damage caused if you attempt to break into or gain access to your unit.
  • During Office Hours: If you lock yourself out during office hours, Atlan Home, Inc. is happy to provide you with a temporary key. If you lose your keys, please inform us so that we may provide you with an additional set after you pay the $25.00 fee. We cannot repeatedly provide temporary keys instead of replacing lost keys. You are restricted to 2 requests in a one-month period, beyond which you must pay the fee and have the keys replaced.
  • Falsified Emergency: You will be charged $150.00 if you falsify a maintenance emergency in order to be let into your unit after hours.

Pool Policy

Comprehensive guidelines and rules for using the community pool to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all residents.

Important Pool Information:

  • Emergency Address: 4279 Oaknoll Circle, Duluth, GA 30096
  • Health & Safety Notice: Swim at your own risk! Atlan Home Inc. assumes no responsibility for the safety of anyone using the pool or facilities.
  • COVID-19 Liability: Under Georgia Law, there is no liability for an injury or death of an individual entering the pool premises if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19. You are assuming risks by entering the pool premises. –GA COVID-19 Pandemic Business Safety Act. Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Title 51, Chapter 16.
  • Access Restrictions: Tenants who have a delinquent account will NOT have access to the amenities. Swipe cards and app will be deactivated until the account is current. Please do not allow anyone in the amenity area who does not have an activated swipe card.
  • Cleanliness: Please replace all chairs, clean the tables and area, and close the umbrellas before you leave.

Pool Reminders

  • For the health, safety, & welfare of all residents, each resident under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult member at least 18 years old.
  • Residents may have no more than 2 guests per household.
  • No running or rough play.
  • No smoking or vaping allowed.
  • No glass allowed in the pool or on the deck.
  • No animals or pets allowed in the pool.
  • Young children under 3 MUST wear plastic diapers at all times.
  • Must be clothed when using outdoor showers.

Pool Rules

  1. Pool Hours: 8AM to 9PM daily.
  2. Unauthorized Use: Anyone using the pool during unauthorized hours will be considered trespassing and asked to leave.
  3. Access Restriction: Pool use is restricted to residents in good standing with Atlan Home Inc.
  4. Adult Supervision: An adult resident 18 years or older must accompany any child 12 years or younger.
  5. Guest Policy: Residents may have no more than 2 guests per household.
  6. Private Parties: No private pool parties are permitted.
  7. Glass Containers: No glass containers of any kind are allowed in the pool area, including inside coolers.
  8. No Smoking: No smoking or vaping allowed in the pool area.
  9. Wheeled Toys: No skateboards, bikes, scooters, or other wheeled toys are permitted inside the pool area.
  10. Pets: Pets are not permitted in the fenced pool area.
  11. Proper Attire: Proper bathing attire must be worn at all times. All children under 3 must wear swim diapers and plastic swim pants.
  12. Safety Conduct: Diving, running, pushing, dunking, and horse-play are not permitted.
  13. Furniture Care: Any abuse of pool furniture will result in loss of pool privileges, and the resident will be charged for damages.
  14. Trash Disposal: Visitors are required to put trash in receptacles before leaving.
  15. Float Use: Floats can only be used when there is minimal attendance. Personal items cannot be stored at the pool and will be removed by personnel outside of pool hours.
  16. Noise Level: Radios are permitted, provided they are played at a level that does not disturb other guests.
  17. Weather Closures: The pool will be closed if there is thunder or lightning in the area.
  18. No Balloons: No balloons allowed in the pool area.
  19. Gate Policy: Do not prop the pool gate open for any reason.
  20. Behavior: Atlan Home Inc. reserves the right to remove anyone exhibiting abusive, offensive, loud, rude, or improper behavior.
  21. Alcohol and Drugs: Any minor caught in possession of alcohol or drugs will be immediately ejected from the pool area and will lose pool privileges for the remainder of the season.
  22. Rule Violations: Any violation of a pool rule is subject to loss of pool privileges.
  23. Health Restrictions: Anyone that has an infectious or communicable disease, open cuts, wounds, or blisters should not use the pool.
  24. No Lifeguard on Duty: There is no lifeguard on duty. You assume responsibility for your own safety.
  25. Agreement: By entering the premises, you agree the pool rules have been read and you will abide by them.


Maintenance Policies

Comprehensive guidelines for requesting and managing property maintenance to ensure a well-maintained living environment for all residents.

    Maintenance Overview

    Maintaining a multi-family property can be challenging for both tenants and landlords. At Atlan Home, we strive to address maintenance issues promptly, considering the circumstances and urgency. We have partnered with LULA, a company that provides rental property maintenance technology through a network of fully vetted contractors. Additionally, Atlan Home has its own network of specialty contractors and part-time maintenance professionals.

    Submitting Work Orders

    To submit a work order, log in to your Rentvine portal, click on “Maintenance” in the left-side menu, and then click the green “Maintenance Request” button. Describe your issue, choose a category (e.g., plumbing, appliance, HVAC), and select a priority level. Once submitted, the request will be sent to Leasing@atlanhomeinc.com and LULA. A technician will contact you to schedule the service.

    Use the Chat feature in the work order for all communications to maintain a consistent record. Texting and email are not sufficient for timely maintenance requests; you must use Rentvine.

    Typical Maintenance Issues

    Tenant Renovations/Alterations

    • Tenants are not allowed to perform repairs or alterations. If you wish to request a renovation:
      • Submit your request in writing before making any changes.
      • Wait for approval from Atlan Home Management.
      • If approved, adhere to the conditions set by the owner, which may include leaving the alterations or restoring the property to its original state.

    Tenant Maintenance Responsibilities

    • Replace smoke alarm batteries, light bulbs, and furnace filters regularly.
    • Report non-functioning smoke alarms immediately.
    • Perform routine cleaning and pest control.
    • Properly dispose of garbage and toxic waste.
    • Report legitimate repairs through Rentvine.
    Procedures for Requesting Maintenance

    Emergency Situations

    • Determine if the situation is an emergency (e.g., fire, flood, gas odor).
    • Call 9-1-1 for life-threatening emergencies.
    • For immediate electrical danger, call the utility service or 9-1-1.
    • For plumbing or flooding emergencies, call LULA at 913-303-7781 and, if necessary, 9-1-1.
    • Non-working heating or air-conditioning is not an emergency but will be prioritized.


    • Submit a Work Order Request in Rentvine.
    • LULA will assign a vendor to contact you.
    • Vendors do not have keys to residences and must make appointments.
    • If a vendor does not contact you within 5-7 business days, inform the Atlan Home office.
    • Report unresolved repairs promptly to avoid additional costs.

    Preventative Cleaning Tips

    • Regularly clean and maintain your residence to prevent buildup and damage.
    • Use vinegar, baking soda, ammonia, and salt for effective and eco-friendly cleaning.

    Energy Saving Tips

    • Report water leaks immediately.
    • Run dishwashers and washing machines efficiently.
    • Use short showers and avoid letting water run unnecessarily.
    • Adjust the water heater and thermostat appropriately.
    • Replace air filters regularly.

    By following these guidelines, we can ensure a well-maintained and comfortable living environment for all residents.



    Emergency Maintenance Policies

    Essential guidelines for handling urgent property issues to ensure the safety and well-being of residents and protect the property.

      What Constitutes an Emergency:

      • Any property-related issue that threatens life, health, or the property. If life-threatening, call 9-1-1 immediately and notify us afterward.
      • Examples include: fire, flood, sewage backups, gas odors, roof leaks, lightning strikes, broken water pipes.
      • No heat when outside temperature is below 45°F.
      • No air-conditioning when outside temperature is over 90°F for more than 4 hours.
      • A fallen tree onto the building.
      • If uncertain whether an issue is an emergency, contact management for clarification.

      Non-Emergency Issues:

      • Refrigerator not working
      • Locking yourself out
      • Power or natural gas outage
      • Water heater not heating
      • Oven not working
      • Dishwasher not running
      • Electrical fixture not working

      While inconvenient, these issues will be addressed during regular business hours and at standard service rates. Management and property owners are not liable for any loss or damage to personal belongings, including food. Contact your renter’s insurance provider if needed.

      Important: Do Not Call a Contractor on Your Own!

      You are not authorized to perform or contract any repairs on the property. Any costs incurred by calling a contractor independently will not be reimbursed. Submit a work order in Rentvine for all repairs and maintenance. For after-hours emergencies, call LULA at 913-303-7781, leaving your name, property address, callback number, and problem description.

      Routine Maintenance

      Non-emergency issues needing attention include heating and air conditioning, broken windows, plumbing, appliance repairs, loose railings, and electrical issues. Submit a Maintenance Request in your Rentvine portal. During peak seasons, service delays may occur due to high demand.

      Minor Maintenance

      For minor repairs or replacements like leaky faucets, fencing, or ice makers, submit a Maintenance Request in your Rentvine portal. Completion time may extend up to 30 days based on the problem and contractor schedules.

      Resident Damage or Abuse

      Damages caused by misuse or abuse of property components will be charged to you. Contractors will determine the cause of the issue. Examples:

      • HVAC filters not changed, causing clogged coils – expect costs over $400.
      • Plumbing clogged by foreign objects – expect costs over $400.

      Important Reminders:

      • False emergency claims will result in service costs plus administration fees.
      • Failure to keep scheduled appointments with contractors will result in a trip fee.
      • Ensure we have your best contact phone numbers to avoid delays.

      Thank you for adhering to this policy.

      Pet Rules

      Policies regarding pet ownership, including required documentation and fees.

      Residents are allowed to keep pets in their units subject to the following rules and conditions. This section outlines the policies regarding pet ownership and becomes part of the rental agreement.

      Description of Pets

      Each pet must be described and approved by management. Digital pictures of each pet must accompany this addendum. No other animals are permitted on the rental premises without prior approval, even on a short-term or temporary basis.

        Terms and Conditions

        1. Residents are permitted to keep the specified approved pet(s).
        2. The pet application fee is non-refundable.
        3. Residents may be required to purchase special liability insurance that covers injuries or damage caused by the pet. The owner must be listed as an “additional insured” on the policy.
        4. This agreement applies only to the specified pet(s). Residents must not harbor, substitute, or “pet-sit” any other pet. Any offspring must be removed within 30 days of birth. Unauthorized animals will be considered strays and removed at the resident’s expense.
        5. Pets must wear identification tags whenever outside the premises.
        6. Pets must be on a leash or under the resident’s control and not left unattended when outside the unit.
        7. Residents must clean up after their pets immediately and dispose of waste properly.
        8. Do not leave pet food or water outside the premises to avoid attracting other animals.
        9. Residents must comply with all local, city, and state ordinances, licensing, and health requirements for pets, including vaccinations.
        10. Pets must not cause a nuisance or disturbance to neighbors. Noise from pets must not disturb others. Residents must take immediate action to remedy complaints.
        11. Residents are responsible for any damage, loss, or expense caused by their pets. Unpaid amounts will be considered additional rent.
        12. Failure to comply with these terms allows the owner to revoke permission to keep the pet and may result in termination of the rental agreement. Residents are liable for any damages exceeding the pet fee.
        13. Upon termination of the rental agreement, residents must have the property treated for ticks and fleas by a professional exterminator and have the carpets professionally cleaned. Proof of service must be provided for the return of the security deposit, or management may deduct the cost of these services.

        Granite Care & Cleaning

        Guidelines on how to maintain and clean granite countertops in your unit.

        (This section is only relevant if your unit has granite countertops)

        Natural granite is a beautiful and durable stone, but it requires proper care to maintain its appearance. Follow these guidelines to keep your granite countertops in pristine condition:

        General Cleaning

        • For daily maintenance, use mild soap or detergent and water. Ensure the detergent is non-abrasive.
        • Recommended cleaners include mild liquid dishwashing detergent, stone soap, or a cleaner formulated specifically for natural stone.
        • Avoid using excessive soap to prevent leaving a soapy film on the surface. Thoroughly rinse and dry the surface after washing.

        Spills and Stains

        • Blot spills immediately with a paper towel. Do not wipe the area, as this will spread the spill.
        • Flush the area with mild soap and water, then rinse and dry thoroughly with a soft cloth. Repeat as necessary.
        • Granite is sealed prior to installation, but additional sealing may be required due to the stone’s porosity.

        Difficult Spot Removal

        • For adhered materials like gum, nail polish, or paint, scrape with a sharp edge (e.g., a razor blade held parallel to the surface).
        • Treat difficult spots with acetone, then scrub and rinse thoroughly.

        Stain Removal

        • For persistent stains, create a poultice by combining a poultice powder with a small amount of mild liquid dish detergent to form a paste.
        • Apply the paste over the stain, cover with clear plastic wrap, and seal the edges with tape. Leave it for a couple of days to draw the stain out.
        • Contact the office if the stain persists.

        Proper Sealing

        • Granite should be sealed every six to twelve months to prevent staining.
        • To seal, spray or wipe a penetrating stone sealer over the countertop, wait 4-5 minutes for it to dry, then wipe off any excess residue.
        • Contact the office for information on where to purchase stone sealer or to schedule annual maintenance for sealing.


        • Use coasters, trivets, or placemats to protect the countertop surfaces.
        • Avoid using vinegar, lemon juice, or other citric juices directly on the stone.
        • Do not use cleaners containing acids, such as bathroom cleaners, grout cleaners, and tub and tile cleaners.
        • Avoid abrasive cleaners like dry cleansers or soft cleansers.

        For any assistance or advice on maintaining your granite countertops, or if you have any questions regarding maintenance and sealing, please contact the office at (770) 935-8229.

        PO Box Application

        Instructions on how to apply for a PO Box if needed.

        Many people have discovered that Post Office Box™ service is a safe, convenient way to receive their mail. Below are the steps and important information on how to apply for a PO Box:

        How to Apply

        You can apply for a PO Box either online or at a Post Office. Here are the steps for each method:

        Apply Online:

        1. Complete the online application at www.usps.com/poboxes.
        2. Make your first payment with a credit or debit card.
          • Note: Online registration is not available for Business Mail Pickup (Caller) Service or Qualifying No-Fee box customers.

        Apply at a Post Office:

        1. Complete pages 3 and 4 of the application form.
        2. Take the entire form to the Post Office most convenient for you.
        3. Once your information is verified and payment is received, you will be provided with your PO Box address and service will begin.

        Selecting a PO Box Size

        Postal Service™ PO Boxes are available in five sizes. Select the right size for your mail volume and schedule:

        • Size 1: 3″ x 5.5″ – Fits 10-15 letter-sized envelopes or up to two rolled magazines.
        • Size 2: 5″ x 5.5″ – Start with this size if you receive more than 15 mailpieces a week.
        • Size 3: 11″ x 5.5″
        • Size 4: 11″ x 11″
        • Size 5: 22.5″ x 12″

        Find an available PO Box by visiting www.usps.com/poboxes. For more space than the largest box provides, inquire about Business Mail Pickup (Caller) Service at your local Post Office.


        To find a PO Box in your area and get fee information, visit www.usps.com/poboxes. You can pay your initial PO Box fees online or at the Post Office where the PO Box is located.

        Identification Required

        When obtaining your keys or combination at the Post Office, two valid forms of identification (one photo and one non-photo) are required:

        • Photo ID Options:
          • Valid U.S. driver’s license or state non-driver’s identification card
          • U.S. Armed forces, government, university, or recognized corporate employee identification card
          • Passport, passport card, alien registration card, or certificate of naturalization
          • NEXUS or Matricula Consular card
        • Non-Photo ID Options:
          • Current lease, mortgage, or deed of trust
          • Voter or vehicle registration card
          • Home or vehicle insurance policy

        Note: Social Security cards, credit cards, and birth certificates are not acceptable forms of ID.

        Renewal Payments

        Renewal payments are due the last day of the month your service period ends. Late payments can lead to losing access to your mail and your PO Box address. Convenient payment options include:

        • Pay Online: Use a valid credit or debit card to make a one-time payment or set up automatic renewal payments at www.usps.com/poboxes.
        • Pay in Person: Pay at the Post Office where your PO Box is located using cash, check, credit card, or debit card. Automatic renewal payment is required for the 3-month payment option.
        • Pay at Any Self-Service Kiosk (SSK): Find an SSK at www.usps.com/locator or by downloading the mobile application at www.usps.com/mobile.